Friday, April 30, 2010

Teaching Opposites

I challenged my third, fourth and fifth graders to work in small groups and think of a creative way to teach opposites (antonyms) to the younger students. They decided to use the digital camera to take pictures then put them together in a story using movie maker. We are right in the middle of this project but here are just a few pairs of opposites they have captured already. Can you figure out the opposites by looking at the pictures?

What are some more opposite pairs?
Challenge: Draw or take pictures of your words and make your own book of opposites.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Draw and Tell - Kindergarten

Drawing is a great way to get kids talking. The kindergarten students used the SmartBoard today to draw a picture then tell the group about it. They did a great job adding labels to their pictures. Fantastic job kinders.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Asking Questions

Today a group of second graders used the digital camera to take pictures around the speech room. Next they had to think up a question to ask about the pictures. They also used white boards to write down their questions. Here is what they came up with:

When is your birthday?

What is inside the jar?
Where did you get the prizes?

How do you use a computer?

When is school over?

Think up your own questions. Here are some words you might want to use.

Who What When Where Why Which How Can Is Are Do Does

Can you think up more question words?

Friday, April 9, 2010

Getting Ready for MAP Testing

The second graders reviewed some 'concepts of print' this week to get ready for the upcoming MAP testing. They found the information above by walking around the speech room and looking through books. The last two items were simply initialled by me when they were found. Click on the questions to open and print your own copy. Find more practice here.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

R minimal pair practice

Practice saying these pairs of words. Listen and feel the difference between the words that start with the "w" sound and those that start with the "r" sound. Click on the pictures above to open and print your own sets of these words. Use the cards to play Bingo, go fish or memory.

Friday, April 2, 2010


In April we are talking about places. We used the Kidspiration software to brainstorm and generate these webs.
Which are common nouns (house, store) and which are proper nouns (Red Robbin, Fry's)? These are just a few places, can you think of more?

What places have your speech sound in them? Remember that words like station are spelled 'tion' but have the "sh" sound in them.